Current Flavors
We are always working on new flavors, so check back for new flavors or one-off experimental flavors that may never be made again!
Heirloom Blend
5.7% ALC/VOL
Crisp & Clean, this 2023 season’s blend of Heirloom apples boast a tart fruit finish. It’s light, its easy, its barely sweetened for that sessionable experience you’ve been waiting for.
Over 300 varieties all grown in Wisconsin! Some of these apples can trace their heritage as far back as the 1600’s! Some are even named after kings, queens and duchesses!
Apple varieties include: Airlies Redflesh, Akane, Alexander, Alkmene, Ambrosia, Amere de Berthencourt, Ananas Reinette, Anise Russet, Apricot, Arkansas Black, Arlet, Aroma, Art's Apple, Ashmead's Kernel, Ashton Bitter, Atlas, Autumn Artic, Autumn Berry, Autumn Crisp, Autumn Gala, Autumn Pearmain, Baldwin, Beautiful Archade, Bedan, Belle Fille, Bellefleur Krasnyi, Bemer Rosenapefel, Ben Davis, Beni Shogun Fuji, Bevan's Favorite, Black Gilliflower, Black Oxford, Blacktwig, Blondee, Blue Pearmain, Blue Ridge King, Blush Rosette, Braddick's Nonpareil, Braeburn, Bramley's Seeding, Bramtot, Brandywine Crab, Brookfield Gala, Brown Snout, Brown's Apple, Bulmer's Norman, Burford Redflesh, Burgundy, Calville Blanc d'Hiver, Cameo, Campfield, Canada Reinette, Canadian Strawberry, Cap of Liberty, Carter Blue, Champlain, Chehalis, Chenango Strawberry, Cherry Cox, Cherry Pearmain, Chesapeake, Chestnut Crabapple, Chisel Jersey, Christmas Pearmain, Cinnamon Spice, Claygate Pearmain, Clifford, Coeur Boeuf, Collins Cherry Field, Connell Red, Coppersville Crab, Cornish Aromatic, Cornish Pineapple, Court Pendu Plat, Cox Orange Pippin, Crimson Crisp, Crimson Gold, Crimson Topaz, Crown Empire, Dabinett, Davey, Dayton, Deacon Jones, Dolgo Crab, Domaines, Double Red Duchess, 8Duchness, Dymock Red, Early Cortland, Early Strawberry, Edward VII, Egremont Russet, Eliis Bitter, Ellison's Orange, Elstar, Empire, Empress, Enterprise, Erwin Bauer, Eve's Delight, Fall Russet, Fameuse, Fenouillet Gris, Fireside, Florina Querina, Flower of Kent, Fortune, Foxwelp, Franklin, Freedom, Frequin, Frequin Rouge, Freyberg, Frostbite, Galarina, Gemma, Geneva Crab, Ginger Gold, Gladstone, Gloster, Gold Pearmain, Golden Russet, Golden Spice, Golden Sweet, GoldRush, Grainwinkle, Granwinkle, Gray Pearmain, Green Lane, Greensleeves, Grimes Gold, Grimes Golden, Gubener Warraschke, Hall's Pink, Haralso, Hardy Cumberland, Harry Baker, Hawaii, Heyer 20, Hibernal Crab, Hidden Rose, Holiday, Holstein, Honey Crab, Honey Gold, Honeycrisp, Hopples Antique Gold, Hubbardston Nonesuch, Hudson’s Golden Gem, Hunge, Hunt Russet, Hyslop Crab, Hystop Crab, Idared, Infram, Initial, Irish Peach, Iron Bridge, Jefferis, Jersey Sweet, Jewett, Jonadel, Jonafree, Jonagold, Jonamac, Jonathan, Jonawin, July Red, Jupiter, Kandi Sinap, Karmijn de Sonneville, Keepsake, Kenner Seedling, Kensei, Kermerrien, Kerr, Kerry Pippin, Kidds Orange Red, King David, King Luscious, King of Tompkins County, Kinsei, Kronebusch, Lady, Lady Sudeley, Lamb Abbey Pearmain, Laxton's Superb, Leitzkey's Seedling, Liberty, Lindamac, Lindsay Russet, Little Jewel, Lobo, Macoun, Maiden's Blush, Maigold, Margil, Maria Elena, Marlin Stephens, May Queen, McIntosh, Melon, Melrose, Mendaceno Cox, Merton Knave, Michelin, Milton, Minkler Molasses, Mollie's Delicious, Mother, Musat de Venus, Muscadet de Dieppe, Muscat de Bernary, Muskmellon Sweet, Muster, Mustsu, Nittany, NJ 99, Noel de Champs, Norland, Normann, Norson, Northland Crab, Norton Melon, Nova Easy Gro, Novamac, NW Greening, Novaspy, NY 35, NY 414, OctoberCrisp, Oliver, Oneida, Opalescent, Orleans Russet, Ortley, Pacific Gala, Parkland, Patricia, Paulared, Pendragon, Pepa, Pepin Shafrannyi, Perry Russet, Pink Lady, Pink Luster, Pink Pearl, Pink Pearmain, Pink Princess, Pioneer Mac, Pixie Crunch, Pomme Gris, Porter, Pound Sweet, Prairie Spy, Pristine, Ramsdeel Sweet, Raxao, Razor Russet, Red Barron, Red Berlepsch, Red Butterscotch, Red Cort, Red Devil, Red Giant Crab, Red Maxx, Redfield, Redfree, Reford, Reine des Pommes, Reine des Reinettes, Reinette Clochard, Reinette Zabergau, Rhode Island Greening, Ribston Pippin, Rising Sun Fuji, Ross Nonpareil, Roxbury Russet, Royal Gala, Royal Limbertwig, Rubinette, Rusty Coat, Sansa, Saxton Fallstripe, Scarlet Gala, Scarlet Surprise, Scarlett O'Hara, Shamrock, Smokehouse, Spartan, Spencer, Spice Russet, Spigold, Spice Russet, Spokane Beauty, Spur Red Gold, St. Edmunds Russet, State Fair, Stayman Winesap, Strudel Apfel, Suiki, Summer Banana, Summer Champion, Summer Glow, Summer Rambo, Summer Rose, Summer Treat, Summerred, Sundowner, Sunrise, Sweet 16, Sweet Alford, Sweet Coppin, Sweet Sal, Sweet Sixteen, Swiss Limbertwig, Theilen, Thick Banana, Thornberry Crab, Tom Putt, Tompkins King, Transcendent Crab, Twenty Ounce Pippin, Victoria Limbertwig, Victoria Sweet, Vine, Virginia Crab, Virginia Beauty, Virginia Winesap, Vixen, Wagener, Waltana, Washington Strawberry, White Winter Pearmain, Wickson Crab, Williams Favorite, Williams Pride, Winecrisp, Winekist, Winesap, Wealthy, Wolf River, Xuanina, Yarlington Mills, Yarwood Crab, Yates, Yellow Bellflower, Yellow Sheepnose, York, Zestar.
Thank you to Maple Valley Orchards LLC for this blend. Pro-tip: they sell the best and most unique varieties of Scionwood around for your own hobby orchard!
Christine Ann Cider
Black Currant
6.0% ALC/VOL
Tart and delicious, this cider was fermented on black currants grown right here in Oshkosh. The best part, a portion of every sale (bottles and pours) benefits Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, INC. Helping such a great organization never tasted so good! #makingthebestofit #communitycider
Rhubarb Lavender Agave
Medium Sweet
5.7% ALC/VOL
A slightly sweeter version of our classic, we ferment the cider on Rhubarb purchased at its peak from the Oshkosh Farmer’s Market. Tart, bodied & aromatic, this cider is then sweetened with agave nectar. This Cider is well balanced and designed for easy drinking or cocktail hour.
Cherry Oak
5.4% ALC/VOL
This cider was aged on medium toasted oak for 6 months and sweetened with Black Cherry Juice, Tart Cherry Juice and a little Apple Juice. Slightly sweeter than most of our other ciders, it is still sessionable and well balanced ~ enjoy!
Cherry Lime Zest
5.7% ALC/VOL
Fermented on Tart Cherries from our neighbor’s tree near Menominee Park and back-sweetened with Black Cherry Juice and Lime Zest.
Habanero Blackberry
6.0% ALC/VOL
To celebrate the Fox Valley’s People’s Podcast, THE KOSH, we hand crafted this cider with host Timber. Fermented on 35 pounds of blackberry, sweetened slightly with agave nectar and just a hint of heat from Habaneros grown in Oshkosh; this cider hits the spot!
Check out the Fox Valley People’s Podcast!
Raspberry Iced Tea
5.7% ALC/VOL
Fermented on Wisconsin raspberries, steeped with black tea and lightly sweetened with agave nectar. *May contain Caffeine
Grapefruit Hops Yo
5.7% ALC/VOL
Dry hopped with Mosaic Hops, Citra Hops and Galaxy Hops with a touch of actual Grapefruit Juice. Sort of like ‘Oops All Grapefruit’.